Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Saturday Road Ride 7:00a.m. 9/13

Tell as many guys, gals, and Toby Porter that we will have a road ride that starts from O'leary's Ortho Office beside DFMS that will leave at 7:00a.m. Pass the word. Damon, if you get this, pass the idea to some of the guys from the other side of Columbia and let's see if we can get them over here for a change. Or, if you have some email addresses, I'll contact them, since I'm just a teacher and Toby doesn't think that I really "work".

I'm down for any pace that the group wants to do; hopefully, we will have some hammer-time moments. Let's try for at least 3 hours?

****edit to the edit*****
I am not allowed to use certain word combinations, so I will just delete all the original edited info from this section and replace it with random ruminations. And in the first place, it was all in jest.

Hey, have you ever seen that funny commercial that has the jingle, "I've got lance in my pants..." I think it is very funny, yes? What a great jingle!

Also, remember to keep in mind that winners never cheat! Only a loser would do that!
**end edit**
****end edit to the edit****
Toby P, please be advised that we will not be taking any dirt or gravel roads along the way...sorry brother.

So, take your chamois cream out of the shower, or night stand, and let's plan a good group ride.


Toby Porter said...

? interesting

spokejunky said...

Kate Hudson? Meh, I heard he's cruising the high school parking lots with Matthew McConaughey.
I know...I'm hatin' the playa, not the game.

Jamie said...

Well, with all the hGh he has done, he probably feels like he is 18!