Thursday, July 06, 2006

Recon On

Okay Folks,

Time is set for Sunday (7/9) 6am @ Harrell's. This should put us at Kitsuma parking lot around 8:30(ish). Plan on a solid 6hr ride, bring food, water, you might even want to bring some type of shell with ya. As far a water source goes - there is a drinkable stream on Curtis creek rd ~ 2hrs in. CCrd will take a solid hour to climb to the BRP. Then we will asses the groups morale and decide what path to take. If we take to longer of the two routes there will be one other water source available. So be prepared to go at least 3hrs between water stops. This will be a loop, so once we leave the car we want be back for a while. We should be able to hit about 3/4 of the loop and we will see most all the big climbs and the hairy descents.

So be ready and bring you s**t talk and lets hit the hill - BIG BOY style.

If you are in for the ride lets go ahead and get a head check. So far Toby, Russ, Joe, LeRoy & Jamie anyone else.



ExtrmTao said...

You Mo-fo's better just be glad that my Karate Monkey isn't ready yet cus that thing's got wings!

See ya'lllll sunday.

Toby Porter said...

And the shit talk begins.

Hey LeRoy you think that KM has wings wait till you see (i meant smell) Russ after his apricot breakfast. You'll be wishing for wings to fly faar farr away.

ExtrmTao said...

The best thing about being slow. . . I get to talk as much jazz as I want. If you think that apricot breakfast is bad, just wait until you get a whiff of the tequilla pouring off my breath.

ExtrmTao said...

Nice ride dudes, It was a good day in the weeds errrr woods. . . Later on.